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Jonathan Cloud

Jonathan serves as one of our biblical language instructors. He grew up in the mission field of Nepal and has been involved in biblical language studies since he was a teenager. He has studied Hebrew both in the United States and living in Israel and has over 90 hours of graduate-level biblical language credits. He is currently writing and editing various instructional materials to teach Greek and Hebrew at all levels of education. His materials are presently being used to teach Hebrew in the elementary grades and Greek in the high school grades of Milford Christian Academy.

Ben Everson

Ben Everson graduated from Maranatha Baptist University with a degree in church ministry. Since graduation, Ben and his family have traveled around the world singing and sharing the Word of God. Since Ben's wife grew up in a missionary home in Mexico, and because they spend a great deal of time in Mexico ministering to the people, the Eversons are completely bilingual and bring a wonderful dynamic to BSWE as Ben teaches Church Music Philosophy.

Dr. Shawn Foster

Dr. Foster received his Bachelor of Arts in Bible from Pensacola Christian College, his Master's of Religious Education in Biblical Studies from West Coast Baptist College, and his Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Texas Theological Seminary. He served as a youth pastor for ten years and then twenty-one years as a senior pastor. He now serves as the Administrator and Academic Dean of FirstBible School of Translation and BSWE. He has a heart for the local church, missions, and Bible translation. He teaches our cultural anthropology, doctrines, and some of our pastoral studies courses.

Cordia Horner

Cordia Horner leads the Language Arts and Linguistics concentration at BSWE and received her Master’s Degree in Education from Pensacola Christian College. She spent time teaching at Pensacola before coming to serve at BSWE.

Bob Mach

Bob Mach has been a missionary in the Ivory Coast for over 25 years. He and his family have seen numerous churches planted and have a deep love for the people of the Ivory Coast. He is a Pensacola Christian College and Seminary graduate and is currently writing his dissertation for his doctorate of ministry. One of Bob's greatest burdens is seeing missionaries fulfill and maintain the call of God in their lives.

Levi Nichols

Levi grew up in a ministry home, where his father served as a Rock of Ages Prison ministry chaplain and later as an evangelist. Levi graduated from Pensacola Christian College and Pensacola Theological Seminary, where he received his BA in Pastoral Studies and MDiv in biblical languages. Levi has served nationally and internationally as a representative for Neighborhood Bible Time and is preparing to be a Bible translator with firstBible International.

Larry Quinlan

Larry Quinlan is a veteran missionary having spent thirty years as a church planter in Indonesia. Larry heads up the Missions concentration at BSWE. He received his BS in Missions from Baptist Bible College and has an honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Freedom University and Seminary.

Nancy Quinlan

Nancy served for over 30 years with her husband in Indonesia. She graduated from Baptist Bible College, Springfield, Missouri, and faithfully raised her family on the mission field while helping minister with her husband. Nancy has a burden for the next generation of missionaries and serves in our language department.

Dr. Jason Walker

Dr. Walker has served as a church planter/pastor in Colorado. He graduated from Pensacola Christian College with his undergraduate degree, master's, doctorate in Biblical Studies and doctorate of Ministry. He has a heart for the local church and desires to see local churches involved in the education of people from within their membership.

David Williamson

David Williamson is a graduate of BSWE possessing a four year diploma in North American Ministries. He received his BS in Business Management from Cappella University and is currently working toward a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership. Brother Williamson retired as Lieutenant from the Clermont County Sheriff’s Office where he served as training commander. He currently travels as a representative for the college.

Adjunct Professors

  • Edward Barclay
    First Baptist Church of Milford, Lead Pastor
  • Dr. William Duttry
    First Baptist Church of Milford
  • Dr. Charles Keen
    firstBible International, Founder
  • Dr. Charles Shoemaker
    Church Planting America, Founder
  • Dr. Beth Smyth
    Veteran Missionary
  • Dr. David Martin
    firstBible International, Representative
  • Daniel Jessup
    Lancaster Baptist Church